Selected TVNHS teachers attended the three-day National Roll-out of the Be Internet Awesome Program on September 22-24, 2022.
The three-day webinar focused on the five key topics such as “Be Internet Smart,” “Be Internet Alert,” “Be Internet Strong,” “Be Internet Kind,” and “Be Internet Brave.” Additionally, the participants were taught how to develop REAP, or RE-ENTRY ACTION PLAN, which will be their guide when they begin the program with their students.
The National Roll-out of the Be Internet Awesome Program was a joint collaboration of DEPED with Google and QSR Corp. which aimed to provide teachers with an overview of the Be Internet Awesome curriculum and a deeper understanding of it. This curriculum was created by Google to give teachers, students, parents, and other members of the school community different resources to help them be SMART, ALERT, STRONG, KIND, and BRAVE while using the internet.