Jennibeth V. Ilagan

Twenty-seven (27) Tropicalian teachers attended and took part in the three-day Training Workshop on Content and Pedagogical Approaches in the New Education Setting on August 17–19, 2023, at Tanza Oasis Hotel and Resort.
It was organized by the SDO General Trias City, spearheaded by the Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Daisy Z. Miranda, CESO V, and Dr. Lualhati O. Cadavedo, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent, with the assistance of the SDO personnel.
Dr. Yolanda DC. Lumanog officially opened the program with her welcome remarks. Mrs. Maricel Malabanan, Education Program Supervisor, Science, then led the presentation of participants, during which she asked the participants to come up with an enthusiastic introduction to their respective learning areas.
Meanwhile, Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Daisy Z. Miranda, CESO V, gave her inspirational message.
“Teachers should have a Mamba mentality” that you have to get things better every day,” Miranda said.
Dr. Laura O. Garcia, CID Chief, explained the statement of purpose.
Before the participants went to their respective breakout sessions, the first discussant, UPLB Asst. Professor Ruben Jeffrey A. Asuncion, comprehensively involved the participants as he tackled the following: skills and concepts of pedagogical approaches, technological changes, and the effects of them in teaching and learning.
Breakout sessions came next, in which teachers from different learning areas went to their designated venues for the continuation of the training workshop.
Each learning area had varied in-person activities with their respective learning facilitators and education program supervisors during the breakout sessions for days 1 and 2, while day 3 of the training workshop was done synchronously.
The three-day training workshop on pedagogical approaches ended successfully as it allowed the GenTri teachers to enhance their content knowledge and pedagogical skills in teaching, develop a range of teaching strategies that enhance their learners’ achievement, and develop appropriate teaching strategies to address learning goals.