TVNHS held its Third Quarter School Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment (SMEA) for School Year 2023-2024 on March 14, 2024, in accordance with D.O. No. 44, Series 2010 and Division Memorandum 461, Series 2020 which was attended by Dr. Mark Airon P. Creus, Principal IV, selected teaching and non-teaching, personnel, TVHOA Officer, SSLG, LGU and other stakeholders.
The program started with a registration of all participants, followed by singing of Philippine National Anthem, opening prayer, and presentation of all the participants through an audio-visual presentation.
Dr. Mark Airon P. Creus, Principal IV gave his welcome remarks and presented the school dashboard different projects, updates of enrollment, activities and other events in the school.

Different proponents presented their projects updates, ways forward and adjustment, and status. Mrs. Mary Ann V. Egama presented the school’s enrollment, followed by Ms. Jennibeth V. Ilagan on the updates of SARDO, Asatidz. Abdullah A. Macaampao on Madrassah, Mrs. Angelita P. Allarey on PWD, Mrs. Jane B. Dacaymat on Project STAR, Mrs. Emely B. Castro on Project SIKAP, Jenilyn S. Loyola on Project Back to Square One and Mrs. Susan C. Sibulo on the Catch-Up Together. They discussed comprehensively the data, hindering factors and the possible solutions that may help to improve their projects and activities for the learners. Department Heads also discussed the least mastered competency.

The LGU, headed by Brgy. Chairman, Ryan T. Santor attended the 3rd Quarter SMEA, together with Brgy. Councilors Eduardo L. Umali, Queenie Mar Cortez, Dennis Magsino, Orly Corpuz, Gary Lumagui, Noel Lacson and Leonardo Martinez and SK Chairman Kevin Andrei Trinidad. They listened attentively on the reports, gave possible solutions that need, and gave their full support on the school’s needs and improvement.
SSLG President Wafa O. Omar, Yes-O President Karyll S. Bayot and Kabataan Kontra Droga Leader Aliah Batalla also gave their opinions and ideas on the needs of the youth and learners. SK Chairman Kevin Andrei Trinidad responded on the solutions that the SK can offer. Sharmaine Noay, TVHOA Representative and Ricky Alcantara, PWD Representative listened to the reports presented by the proponents.

Furthermore, other proponents presented their data and reports on Learning Materials, Teachers’ Professional Development Needs, Mental Health Check, Safety and Protection, Facility and Equipment, School’s Partnership and Special Program for Foreign Language-Korean Language (SPFL) and Dr. Mark Airon P. Creus gave recommendations and solutions that needs to be implemented in the school.
Mrs. Richelle Jeanne S. Ramirez reported the summary of findings and Mrs Mariglo S. Bayot, Head Teacher III, gave her closing remarks on the 3rd Quarter SMEA 20 23-2024.